Great truth in this post! We are a very 'transactional' society. What supports this attitude is loss of fear of the Lord. The God of the universe IS to be held in awe. His thoughts are not ours, and His ways are far above our ways.

Thank you for this reminder 🙏

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Very well said. Most modern day Christians do treat God as their personal genie or their pal. They try to make God their servant and bring Him down to their level instead of treating Him like the omnipotent, holy, creator God that He is. We don't have nearly a high enough view of our awesome God.

I actually think discounting the importance of the Old Testament, and especially Genesis, is part of the problem. If people have an accurate view of Genesis, they are much more likely to have an appropriately high view of God. Of course, as His creation, we will never fully comprehend the awesomeness of our Creator God.

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Modern American "christianity" is often just the same old incantational gnostic heresy rebranded as a self help doctrine. Knowledge is a noun, faith is a verb. 👑

Economia and Synergeia - body and soul - Uncreated Divine Grace in Communion with Human free will.⛪☦️ We never pray alone and no one is saved alone. Grace & peace to you sister, onward to Bethlehem. ✨🌴🐪🌌

All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us! O'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me the sinner.....μετάνοια.

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Right on Michael!

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The greatest mystery we will ever face is the Mystery of our Salvation in Jesus Christ! ☦️⛪ Grace and peace to you Amigo, onward to Bethlehem...✨🌴🐪🌌👑

I think Job's dear friends ❤️🤔 had a somewhat transactional bent, but nothing is impossible 🌪️ with God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

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